Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Political Parties Funding Recent History

Parties seek more money from the taxpayer but there will always be tight constraints on this source of funding. The obvious source of big money is rich donors and corporations. But such donors are not usually motivated by generosity. They want to see a return. Political parties in a number of countries now accept large donations on the condition that the donor can be identified. Some have also banned donations from abroad. For officials who are tempted to evade rules on party funding the current punishments hardly act as disincentive. Yves Marie Doublet says, where there are controls on party finance the sanctions are usually toothless. In some countries punishments are as little as being banned from political office for two years.

Scandals erupted throughout Europe. The Elf Aquitaine affair spread from France to Germany when it was revealed President Mitterrand provided slush funds that were passed onto their allies at the Christian Democratic Union. The former German CDU Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, escaped prosecution in March 2001 although he accepted $1m in illegal political donations for the CDU when he was in office. Instead Kohl paid a fine of $142,000 admitting that he had broken the rules on the funding of political parties but rejected accusations that he accepted donations in return for political favors. For receiving dubious funds worth a total of DM12m the CDU was separately heavily fined some DM 18million. The scandal delivered a blow to Germany national self-image. No longer could it be seen as a country considered largely free of ingrained corruption.

In Britain, despite reforms during the mid 1990s, the Labor Government which came to power in 1997 has suffered repeated problems over political donations despite promises of transparency. As early as 1997 Labor faced allegations of sleaze after it was revealed that one major election donor had later managed to negotiate with the government an exception to a new law. Bernie Ecclestone, the millionaire head of Formula One Racing, had donated £1million to the party in the run up to the election. Then Ecclestone had also negotiated with the new government an exemption for Formula One Racing from the banning of tobacco advertising in sport. The Labor government argued that the two events were unrelated, though it subsequently returned the money. Labor continued to be dogged by allegations. The Hinduja Brothers, who run their international business mainly from London, have been accused of buying access to politicians with donations. The situation was exacerbated when members of the family were questioned by the Indian Police in connection with the Bofors guns for bribe

Parties seek more money from the taxpayer but there will always be tight constraints on this source of funding. The obvious source of big money is rich donors and corporations. But such donors are not usually motivated by generosity. They want to see a return. Political parties in a number of countries now accept large donations on the condition that the donor can be identified. Some have also banned donations from abroad. For officials who are tempted to evade rules on party funding the current punishments hardly act as disincentive. Yves Marie Doublet says, where there are controls on party finance the sanctions are usually toothless. In some countries punishments are as little as being banned from political office for two years.

In Dublin in March 2001 journalists watching from the street saw Liam Lawlor light a bonfire in his back garden to burn confidential financial documents. Mr Lawlor, a member of Ireland governing Fianna Fail party, had just spent a week in Mountjoy Prison for refusing to co-operate with the Flood Tribunal. The TD is alleged to be at the centre of a vast web of bribery and backhanders involving politicians, councilors, property developers, planners and accountants going back 20 years.

President Clinton pardon of sanction buster Marc Rich in the last moments of his administration also caused public and media outrage. Marc Rich wife Denise Rich had made large donations to Democratic Party funds and for the Clinton library project.

In the USA, concern has focused recently on campaign financing. "Effective political campaigns have always been fuelled by money as well as ideas. But in recent years, the cost of running for Congress and the Presidency has soared to record heights. For many candidates, raising money is no longer one important issues, it is the only issue," says John S Weston, Chairman of the Committee for Economic Development Research and Policy committee, introducing a statement calling for radical reform of campaign finance laws in the US. In this policy statement, the Trustees of CED makes a strong case for sweeping reforms that will restore trust and balance to the campaign finance system, while protecting the first amendment rights of candidates and contributors.

In the US the average candidate for Congress spends $3.8m on their campaign while the average House of Representatives candidate spends $500,000. Personal wealth is becoming a key requirement for effective candidacy. Of particular concern were 'soft money' donations that are exempted from the Federal Laws on political donations yet are beneficial to candidates. In 1998 the US national party committees raised $201m, a record for a midterm election: The Republicans raised 112% more than in 1994 and the Democrats 89% more. The parties use this money for such activities as party building, candidate-specific issue ads, and voter registration and turnout drives. Much of this money was raised from contributions from individuals or organizations that could afford $100,000 or more.

There are continuing attempts to reform the US system. In March 2001 the Senate began a debate on overhaul of the nation campaign finance laws, with critics likening the current system to a 'money laundering' operation that exchanges cash for influence, while its defenders argued that the prescribed cure would violate free-speech rights and endanger political parties.

Two Senators have proposed a bill to reform the US laws on political donations. At the core of the McCain-Feingold bill is a ban on unlimited 'soft money' contributions to political parties from corporations, unions and wealthy individuals. These donations have run from $100,000 upwards and have often been associated with pressure on politicians for favors in return.

But it is not all bad news. "Scandinavian countries seem to be doing the best, judging by their relative lack of scandals. Strong party loyalty? Parties make the decision on candidates for office and provide funding for campaigns? Enables countries such as Sweden to publicly finance parties and steer clear of scandal. Abuses are also no - existent in part because Scandinavian countries start with a high level of consensus on propriety and a low tolerance for corruption. These values carry over into the campaign finance. Yet Scandinavia and Canada almost prove to be the exceptions.

The Hinduja affair in London has cost one Cabinet Minister, Peter Mandelson, his job and damaged the reputation of another Minister, Keith Vaz.

Hotneus.com covers the latest political news with a focus on national politics and political events happening around the world, from congress, lobbying, advocacy, senators and more.

Monday, October 26, 2009

You Need a Body Colon Cleanse to Remove Toxins!

An effective body colon cleanse needs to be done on a regular basis in order to remove toxins that accumulate inside your body. This comes from the food we eat, the air we breath, and even the water we drink. The typical person carries an average of 5-40 lbs of feces inside of their colon which is full of toxins. This is not healthy and we NEED to get rid of it! The colon happens to be the most toxic organ in the whole human body. It's definitely not a coincidence that colon cancer ranks as the third most leading cause of death amongst cancers.

Using a colon cleanser to clean out the colon, the toxic waste and feces inside this organ can be completely removed and in addition improve your overall health. Some of the health benefits that come with doing a colon cleanse include :

-increase in energy
-improvement of skin/ decrease in acne
-reduction in water retention
-relieves bloating and gas
-stronger immune system
-excess weight loss

Now we all want that right?
It is a shame that the people that attempt to do a colon cleanse, all too often turn to the wrong kinds of products or procedures to effectively do the job. Therefore, they often fail in effectively removing all the accumulated layers of dried feces that stubbornly cling to the walls of the colon.

Some of the most common methods that people choose when trying to do a body colon cleanse include:

Colonic irrigation
Colon Cleansing products

Except for colon cleansing products and colonic irrigation, none of the other products listed will do much more than provide temporary relief for constipation. Truth is, what these products mostly focus on is forcing out a bowel movement and do nothing if not hardly anything to remove the accumulated waste and toxins deep down inside.

Enemas and Suppositories can not be even considered true bowel cleansers. I say this because they are only effective in flushing out the bottom 8-10 inches of the colon. They fail to reach a huge amount of waste that still cling to the walls of the colon.

A Colonic Irrigation will clear out the gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to lower toxin levels within the body. However, there is a down side to this. Unlike a colon cleanser product which can be self administered and a inexpensive option, a colonic irrigation needs to be done by a medical professional and is rather costly not to mention uncomfortable.

The best colon cleanser products can effectively clear out the colon in about a week's time. I would like to mention a word of caution, not all colon cleansers are made the same. Be sure to buy only colon cleansers made from all natural ingredients

If you would like to learn more about colon cleansing SIMPLY CLICK HERE

Rin Otori has dedicated much of his time researching about the colon and the importance of colon cleansing.

He has helped many people in relieving symptoms of toxic colon and helped them experience dramatic improvements in their overall health through his articles.

bowtrol colon cleanse

colon cleansing and weight loss

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Let the numbers speak for themselves, Human Sex Trafficking Information

Human trafficking is always something that we hear. Yet, somehow, it seems we’ve gone calloused and look at it as something so detached from our reality.

But little did we know that real people are actually suffering due to this crime.

These people are forced to perform labor or sexual acts against their own will and are forcibly or worse taken with consent. But the bottom line is that these people lose their human rights.

Some of the human trafficking figures that will help you understand the magnitude of this problem.

As of 2007, 27 million people are currently serving as slaves in today’s modern world. You would think that slavery has completely been extinguished, unfortunately the data proves otherwise.

Every year, close to 800,000 individuals are smuggled into other countries and this happens worldwide.

Majority of the number comes from the women and children's sector, each year.

161 countries out of 192 (according to the United Nations) are involved with human trafficking.

And while in bondage, there is approximately 30% of victims who will have an actual encounter with a health care professional but they will not have the chance to expose themselves.

Children comprise half or fifty percent (50%) of human trafficking target. And they become victims as early as 12 to 14 years old and they are most likely to get exposed to sexual exploitation.

These facts might seem overwhelming, but this is our reality. People who are trapped in this status are more or less afraid that if they seek for help, their families or loved ones might get hurt. Some are afraid that they will be deported.

No matter how far the problem may seem to be from our experience, the facts stated above is the sad face of human trafficking.

It may not be that simple to end this situation because poverty or economic problems is the root cause of human trafficking. But not taking any actions will definitely put more women, men and children at risk of becoming targets; thereby, putting their lives on hold.

sex trafficking in the United States
human trafficking statistics